Looking back to the making of the fashion film-ballet “Wild Turnpike” (2019) featuring my music

You know how it happens, by chance (or not really?) you come across something that brings back pleasant memories… And I came across the very beginning of our collaboration with Lauren Starobin, a talented dancer and extraordinary clothing designer.

How amazing, after everything has already come true, going back to the very beginning, to watch how the idea of the fashion film-ballet “Wild Turnpike” (2019) featuring my music was born, to look at the sketches of dance movements and costumes made by Lauren, the maturation of the entire story. The interesting process can be observed in these trailers:


There is the music from two of my works: “Byzantine Chants” (a sacred concerto for a solo cello) and “I Believe” (prayer for violin solo and string orchestra). Lauren, I admire your extraordinary talent!