CALIGULA’S FAVORITE PLAY, OPERA in TWO ACTS (Libretto by Eric Nicolas and Igor Tsunsky freely inspired by ‘CALIGULA’ by ALBERT CAMUS © Editions Gallimard) for mezzo-soprano, 2 tenors, 2 baritones, bass, 2 choruses and small symphony orchestra

I have chosen to retell the story of the tyrannical Roman Emperor Caligula, a megalomaniacal, mad king seeking to prove to the world that his disastrous choices have been for the best.

“Caesonia’s Lullaby” from “Caligula’s Favorite Play”, based on Osip Mandelshtam

From 2-act opera freely inspired by “Caligula” by Albert Camus (copyright © Editions Gallimard) Libretto by Eric Nicolas and Igor Tsunsky


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